Complete Data Analytics Bootcamp
This 5 to 6 months skill-based certification course helps students enhance their data management skills, offering in-depth SQL knowledge for effective database handling, Covering Tableau's features, from data connection to dashboard creation. the course equips students with industry-standard skills for data-driven decision-making in any business environment.
Industry Experienced Instructors
Online/Offline Classes
100% job Oriented
ISO Certified Certificate
Tools/Software covered in this curriculum.

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Business Intelligence Power Curriculum

Introduction to Power BI
- Power BI Job Roles in Real-time
- Power BI Data Analyst Job Roles
- Business Analyst - Job Roles
- Power BI Developer - Job Roles
- Comparing Tableau and Power BI
- Types of Reports in Real-World
- Interactive & Paginated Reports
- Analytical & Mobile Reports
- Data Sources Types in Power BI

Introduction to Power BI
- Power BI Licensing Plans - Types
- Power BI Dev & Prod Environments
- Understanding the Power BI Tools
- Installing Power BI & Connecting to Data
- Working with the query Editor
- Working with the data model and creating a visualization

Basic Report Design
- Data Sources & Visual Types
- Canvas, Visualizations and Fields
- Get Data and Memory Tables
- In-Memory xvelocity Database
- Table and Tree Map Visuals
- Format Button and Data Labels
- Legend, Category and Grid

Basic Report Design
- PBIX and PBIT File Formats
- Visual Interaction, Data Points
- Disabling Visual Interactions
- Edit Interactions - Format Options
- Tooltips
- Power BI EcoSystem, Architecture

Learn Basic & Advanced Charts
- Stacked Charts and Clustered Charts
- Line Charts, Area Charts, Bar Charts
- 100% Stacked Bar & Column Charts
- Map Visuals: Tree, Filled, Bubble
- Cards, Funnel, Table, Matrix
- Scatter Chart: Play Axis, Labels
- Series Clusters & Selections
- Waterfall Chart and ArcGIS Maps

Learn Basic & Advanced Charts
- Info graphics, Icons and Labels
- Color Saturation, Sentiment Colors
- Column Series, Column Axis in Lines
- Join Types: Round, Bevel, Miter
- Shapes, Markers, Axis, Plot Area
- Display Units, Data Colors, Shapes
- Series, Custom Series and Legends

Visual Sync, Grouping
- Slicer Visual: Real-time Usage
- Orientation, Selection Properties
- Single & Multi Select, CTRL Options
- Slicer: Number, Text and Date Data
- Slicer List and Slicer Dropdowns
- Visual Sync Limitations with Slicer
- Disabling Slicers, Clear Selections
- Grouping: Real-time Use, Examples
- Bin Size and Bin Limits (Max, Min)
- Bin Count and Grouping Options

Hierarchies, Filters
- Creating Hierarchies in Power BI
- Independent Drill-Down Options
- Dependent Drill-Down Options
- Conditional Drilldowns, Data Points
- Drill Up Buttons and Operations
- Expand & Show Next Level Options
- Dynamic Data Drills Limitations
- Show Data and See Records

Hierarchies, Filters
- Filters: Types and Usage in Real-time
- Visual Filter, Page Filter, Report Filter
- Basic, Advanced and TOP N Filters
- Category and Summary Level Filters
- Drill Thru Filters, Drill Thru Reports
- Keep All Filters" Options in Drill Thru
- Cross Report Filters, Include, Exclude

Bookmarks & its Options
- Drill-thru Filters, Page Navigations
- Bookmarks: Real-time Usage
- Bookmarks for Visual Filters
- Bookmarks for Page Navigations
- Selection Pane with Bookmarks

Bookmarks & its Options
- Buttons, Images with Actions
- Buttons, Actions and Text URLs
- Bookmarks View & Selection Pane
- Import & Direct Query with Power BI
- SQL Queries and Enter Data
- Data Modeling, Relations

Power Query Level 1
- Power Query M Language Purpose
- Power Query Architecture and ETL
- Data Types, Literals and Values
- Power Query Transformation Types
- Table & Column Transformations
- Text & Number Transformations
- Date, Time and Structured Data

Power Query Level 1
- List, Record and Table Structures
- Power Query Functions, Parameters
- Invoke Functions, Execution Results
- Get Data, Table Creations and Edit
- Merge and Append Transformations
- Join Kinds, Advanced Editor, Apply
- ETL Operations with Power Query

Power Query Level 2
- Query Duplicate, Query Reference
- Group By and Advanced Options
- Aggregations with Power Query
- Transpose, Header Row Promotion
- Reverse Rows and Row Count
- Data Type Changes & Detection
- Replace Columns: Text, Nontax
- Replace Nulls: Fill Up, Fill Down
- PIVOT, UNPIVOT Transformations
- Move Column and Split Column

Power Query Level 2
- Extract, Format and Numbers
- Date & Time Transformations
- Deriving Year, Quarter, Month, Day
- Add Column: Query Expressions
- Query Step Inserts and Step Edits
- Creating Parameters in Power Query
- Parameter Data Types, Default Lists
- Removing Columns and Duplicates
- Convert Tables to List Queries
- Testing Parameters and PBI Canvas

DAX Functions - Level 1
- DAX: Importance in Real-time
- Real-world usage of Excel, DAX
- DAX Architecture, Entity Sets
- DAX Data Types, Syntax Rules
- DAX Measures and Calculations
- ROW Context and Filter Context
- DAX Operators, Special Characters

DAX Functions - Level 1
- DAX Functions, Types in Real-time
- Creating, Using Measures with DAX
- Creating, Using Columns with DAX
- Quick Measures and Summaries
- Dynamic Expressions, IF in DAX

DAX Functions - Level 2
- Data Modeling Options in DAX
- Detecting Relations for DAX
- Using Calculated Columns in DAX
- Using Aggregated Measures in DAX
- Working with Facts & Measures
- Modeling: Missing Relations
- Modeling: Relation Management

DAX Functions - Level 2
- CALCULATE Function Conditions
- CALCULATE & ALL Member Scope
- Dynamic Expressions, RETURN
- Date, Time and Text Functions
- Logical, Mathematical Functions
- Running Total & EARLIER Function

DAX Functions Level 3

DAX Functions Level 3
- IF ELSE THEN Statement
- SUM, DATEDIFF Examples in DAX
- Time Intelligence Functions - DAX

Power BI Cloud - 1
- Power BI Service Architecture
- Power BI Cloud Components, Use
- App Workspaces, Report Publish
- Reports & Related Datasets Cloud
- Creating New Reports in Cloud
- Report Publish and Report Uploads
- Dashboards Creation and Usage

Power BI Cloud - 1
- Adding Tiles to Dashboards
- Pining Visuals and Report Pages
- Visual Pin Actions in Dashboards
- LIVE Page Interaction in Dashboard
- Adding Media: Images, Custom Links

Power BI Cloud - 2
- Dashboards Actions, Report Actions
- Dataset Actions: Create Report
- Share, Metrics and Exports
- Mobile View & Dashboard Themes
- Q & A [Cortana] and Pin Visuals
- Export, Subscribe, Subscribe

Power BI Cloud - 2
- Featured Dashboards and Refresh
- Gateways Configuration, PBI Service
- Gateway Types, Cloud Connections
- Gateway Clusters, Add Data Sources
- Data Refresh: Manual, Automatic
- Dataflows, Power Query Expressions

Real-Time Project
- Implementing SDLC Phases
- Requirement Gathering, FSA
- Phase 1:
- PBIX Report Design
- Visualizations, Properties
- Analytics and Formatting
- Phase 2:
- Data Modeling, Power Query
- Dynamic Connections, Azure DB
- Parameters and M Lang Scripts
- Phase 3:
- DAX Requirements, Analysis
- Cloud and Report Server
- Project FAQs and Solutions

Special Sessions
- Resume Creation, Review and Feedback
- Understanding the ATS concept
- LinkedIn and optimization
- Interview Questions from Technical and Managerial rounds
- Portfolio Creation
- Assistance in finding the job
- Assignment Practice
- Quiz and Q&A Sessions

Included with Fees
- One to one doubt clearing session
- Access to additional resources
- Mock Interview sessions
- Job Placement Assistance
- Access to community of Professionals
- Resume review sessions
- Portfolio Management (Showcase for Hiring Managers)
SQL Curriculum

Introduction to Databases
- What is database
- Relational data and SQL
- Introduction to different database management (DBMS)

Data Definition Language (DDL)
- Create Database
- Create Table
- Alter Table
- Drop Table
- Constraints (Primary key, foreign key, unique)

Data Manipulation Language (DML)
- Sorting and filtering data (ORDER BY, WHERE, LIKE)

Basic SQL Syntax
- Data types (numeric, string, date, etc.)
- Introduction to different database management (DBMS)

Querying Data with SQL
- Select statement (column selection)
- Distinct keyword
- Filtering Rows
- Drop Table
- Constraints (Primary key, foreign key, unique)

Advanced SQL Concepts
- Views
- Indexes
- Transaction and ACID Properties
- Stored Procedure and Functions
- Triggers
- User-defined types

Working with Multiple Tables
- Multi-tables queries
- Joins and relationships between tables
- Normalisation concepts (1NF, 2NF, 3NF)

Joins and Subqueries
- Inner Joins
- Cross Joins
- Self Joins
- Subqueries (correlated and non-correlated)

Database Administration
- User Management
- Granting and Revoking privileges
- Backing up and restoring databases
- Performance optimisation
- Query Optimisation

Advanced Data Manipulation
- Subqueries (nested and correlated)
- Set operations (UNION, INTERSECT, EXCEPT)
- Temporary Tables, Transactions and Locking
Tableau Curriculum

Introduction to Tableau
- What is Tableau?
- Tableau Products (Tableau Desktop, Tableau Server, Tableau Online, Tableau Prep, Tableau Public)
- Tableau Installing & Interface
- Data Sources Connections
- Live vs Extract Connections

Data Preparation in Tableau
- Data Types, Data Joins, Blends, and Unions
- Data Cleansing Techniques
- Pivoting and Splitting Data
- Using Tableau Prep for Data Preparation
- Cross-Database Joins and Relationships
- Data Extracts & Aggregation
- Parameters for Data Preparation

Basic Data Visualizations
- Creating Basic Charts : Bar Chart, Line Chart, Scatter Plot, Pie Chart, Text Tables
- Sorting, Filtering, and Grouping Data
- Working with Hierarchies
- Basic Calculated Fields
- Adding Trend Lines and Reference Lines
- Dual Axis & Combined Axis Charts
- Using Filters and Quick Filters

Advanced Visualizations
- Creating Maps and Geographic Data Visualization
- Heat Maps and Highlight Tables
- Tree Maps, Bullet Charts, Gantt Charts
- Waterfall Charts, Box-and-Whisker Plot
- Area Charts, Donut Charts, Funnel Charts
- Custom Shapes in Visualizations

Dashboards and Stories
- Creating Dashboards
- Adding and Formatting Objects
- Filter, Highlight, URL
- Creating Interactive Dashboards
- Embedding Web Pages
- Designing Mobile Dashboards
- Creating Stories for Data Narration

Calculations in Tableau
- Introduction to Calculated Fields
- String, Date, and Number Functions
- Logical Functions (IF, CASE, etc.)
- Table Calculations (Running Total, Moving Average, etc.)
- LOD (Level of Detail) Expressions
- Using R and Python Scripts in Tableau (Advanced)

Advanced Analytics
- Forecasting and Trend Analysis
- Clustering and Outliers
- Custom Calculations for Advanced Analysis
- Distributions and Percentiles
- Building Statistical Visualizations
- Motion Charts for Trend Analysis
- Parameterized Visualizations

Formatting and Design
- Customizing Fonts, Colors, and Tooltips
- Date Formats and Display Formats
- Titles, Captions, and Annotations
- Layout Containers for Effective Designs
- Customizing Axis, Labels, and Legends
- Logos, Images, and Custom Shapes
- Practices for Visual Design

Tableau Server and Tableau Online
- PTableau Server or Tableau Online
- Managing Permissions and Security
- Scheduling Extracts and Refreshes
- Versioning and Collaboration
- Tableau Workbooks and Projects
- Working with Tableau Public for Sharing Insights
- Tableau Catalog and Data Management Add-On

Tableau Best Practices and Performance Optimization
- Designing Efficient Dashboards
- Optimizing Queries and Data Sources
- Best Practices for Large Data Handling
- Working with Data Extracts for Speed
- Reducing Dashboard Load Times
- Debugging and Troubleshooting Performance Issues

Certifications and Career Path
- Preparing for Tableau Desktop Specialist
- Tableau Desktop Certified Associate
- Tableau Job Roles
- Tips for Creating a Strong Portfolio
- Community Involvement: Tableau User Groups and Tableau Public Challenges (e.g., Makeover Monday, Workout Wednesday)

- Movies Collections Analysis
- E-Commerce Returned Ordered Analysis
- Bank Customer Churn Analysis
- IPL end to end Visualization project
- Retail Sales Analysis

- Assignments & Regular Test
- Mock Interviews
- Interview Questions / Preparations
- LinkedIn & Naukri optimization
- Resume Creation
- Real-Time Project Based scenarios discussion
Note: The sequence of topics and software may be subject to change. Your learning path might begin with any of the listed tools depending on scheduling and course flow.
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Empowering Students to reach their potential Goal For Next Level Challenge.
This is a skill-based certification course of Graphics & Motion Graphics with duration of 6 to 7 months. This course helps student enhancing their creative skills accompanied with updated technology with various principles of design. Students enrolled for this course at creative concept® will also learn how to create videos containing animation & special effects for related projects. It aims at providing complete knowledge of vector based software like CorelDraw and other software of adobe such as Illustrator, Photoshop and InDesign. They will also learn how to use After Effects to create animations from scratch, Premiere Pro for editing video & mixing sounds and Adobe audition for effortlessly creating sound effects. This course not only provides training on regular assignments but also provide LIVE projects practice for better understanding of skills required to flourish in the industry.